Diverse Coalition Shows Support for Physician Assistant Fired Over Religious Beliefs
Medical professionals, employment associations, legal experts and scholars, two states and three nonprofit policy and public interest organizations recently filed briefs supporting our client, Valerie Kloosterman.

Religious Leaders Raise Alarm over VP Nominee Tim Walz’s Record on Religious Freedom
News outlets report that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz pushed for harsher treatment of churches during the pandemic and faced multiple lawsuits accusing him of infringing on religious liberty.

City of Daytona Beach Abuses Zoning Code to Harass Church and Shut Down Its Food Pantry
Seventh Day Baptist Church had to close its free food distribution ministry, but not because it did anything wrong. City officials are abusing a local ordinance to target the church.

Biden Court ‘Reform’ Scheme is An Act of Pure Political Revenge
Overhauling the U.S. Supreme Court via judicial term limits and an “ethics code” is a desperate attempt to impose a radical agenda by any means necessary.

Supreme Court ‘Reform’ Led Venezuela to Tyranny
Venezuela implemented radical court “reforms” that paved the way for authoritarian rule. President Biden is proposing similiar extreme and sweeping changes to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Christian Business Sued Because Its Health Insurance Does Not Pay for Employee’s Gender Dysphoria Treatment
We’re defending Turbocam, Inc., a privately held, family owned manufacturing company from a transgender employee who sued because of a lack of gender dysphoria treatment coverage.