
Poll: Americans Strongly Oppose Radical Court “Reform”

June 9, 2023
First Liberty Institute | Americans Strongly Oppose Radical Court “Reform”

by First Liberty Institute • 6 min read

Americans strongly oppose the radical effort to “reform” the U.S. Supreme Court and the judiciary, according to a recent poll.

The poll, commissioned by First Liberty and conducted by Mason- Dixon Polling & Strategy, Inc., asked 1,100 Americans about many of the court “reform” proposals floating around today, including court packing, judicial “term limits,” ethics rules and other “structural changes” to the courts.

The results indicate that a vast majority support judicial independence, and overwhelmingly reject the recent attempts to delegitimize and politicize the Courts, as well as the U.S. Senate’s recent attempt to create its own ethics code for Supreme Court Justices.

Importantly, Americans do not appear to be fooled by recently manufactured “ethics” scandals. 69% said Congress taking over and setting rules for judicial ethics would violate the separation of powers and threaten judicial independence.

In short, Americans are NOT on board with the Supreme Court Coup and the Left’s brazen attempt to rig the courts for their political benefit. As the The Wall Street Journal recently reported:

“Outrageous rhetorical assaults on the federal judiciary by partisan legislators have unfortunately become a progressive political norm…But 235 years after Alexander Hamilton famously explained why the judicial branch of our government must remain independent of the legislature, thank goodness most Americans still agree with him.”

The good news is that across the country people still place a high value on value judicial independence. The data shows how worried people are about recent political attacks and the damage they are causing to the integrity of the courts:

  • 91% agree an independent judiciary safeguards our civil liberties
  • 67% said protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices threaten judicial independence.
  • 59% oppose attacks by those who oppose recent Supreme Court decisions.
  • 72% believe political attacks threaten judicial independence.

The survey also found 68% of Americans still reject the radical idea of “court-packing,” while 60% oppose any changes to the structure of the Supreme Court.

The results are very consistent with previous polls conducted in 2021, which also found that approximately 66% of Americans opposed packing the Court. The results are statistically the same, since they’re within the margin of error.

First Liberty and many other respected legal experts have warned that court packing is dangerous. It threatens the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court. And if implemented, the result would be catastrophic for our country. It would be the gateway to tyranny, the beginning of an America where religious liberty and all other freedoms granted by God are denied by the heavy hand of government.

The recent poll also suggests that many people understand the chaos it would create in our nation:

  • 61% believe court packing is all about purely political objectives.
  • 62% believe packing the Court threatens civil liberties.

Most people are also opposed to court purging and canceling justices, which is often disguised under the benign name of judicial “term limits.” 53% said they oppose efforts by the extreme Left to change the rules of the court, including ending life tenure and forcing justices to retire.

Instead of destroying the whole judicial system, 67% said the wiser course of action is to work within the existing arrangement of our government to restore judicial restraint. A huge proportion—76%—also said they oppose calls by politicians to disobey or disregard federal court orders.

In the fight to preserve the priceless heritage of the Supreme Court and our nation’s judiciary, the results of this poll are very positive—and they come at an incredibly important time. Radical court “reform” advocates are more emboldened than ever. In their thirst for more power, the Left has said “everything is on the table,” and they’re willing to destroy the Supreme Court rather than have it remain outside their control.

But the message from this recent poll is clear: Americans do not want to turn our nation into a banana republic. They respect the courts and the judicial system. They want to uphold the rule of law.

The Supreme Court is among our nation’s most prized and most valuable possessions. But if the politically motivated Supreme Court Coup succeeds, judges will lose their ability to enforce the rule of law with impartiality, and the last safeguard to our civil liberties will be gone.

First Liberty and a national coalition of 500,000+ patriots have signed the Declaration of Judicial Independence saying: NO to court packing, NO to suspect judicial “reforms,” NO to the Supreme Court Coup.

If you have already signed the Declaration and joined our coalition, thank you! Our numbers are growing, but this fight is far from over and you can continue to make a huge difference.

We need YOU to help us share truth about radical court “reform” with your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. More Americans need to know the threat this scheme poses. We need to work together to help save the priceless heritage of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Let’s stand firm and make it clear: We the People firmly oppose the Supreme Court Coup.

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