by Jorge Gomez • 2 min read + quiz
As Americans, we tend to think persecution and government crackdowns against religious communities only occur in repressive, totalitarian nations—places too far away to affect our own freedoms here at home.
We often say to ourselves: “That could never happen here in the United States!”
But even a quick glance at our culture today shows shocking parallels between attacks happening in nations like China, Cuba or North Korea and First Amendment violations occurring in America.
If you’re concerned about your constitutional freedoms, the answers to many of the questions above are a clear warning that America’s First Freedom is under attack like never before.
It’s true that America has not yet seen authoritarianism as brazen as in China, but we cannot bury our head in the sand while “soft totalitarianism” is quickly taking hold in the Land of the Free.
For the millions of people of faith who cherish the right to worship freely, we cannot become complacent in fighting for our First Freedom. Together, we can put a stop to the assaults that threaten to strip away religious freedom and our First Amendment rights as Americans.