
‘Tis the Season to Restore Faith in America

December 23, 2022
Fli Insider | Merry Christmas

by Kelly Shackelford • 5 min read

On behalf of myself and the entire First Liberty team, I’d like to personally wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Please watch this special message of gratitude to YOU for supporting us in what’s been an incredible and precedent-setting year:

By God’s grace and thanks to your continued support, 2022 has been tremendously fruitful for First Liberty. The two landmark victories at the U.S. Supreme Court in our Coach Kennedy and Treat Children Fairly cases—as well as the many wins we secured in courts and communities all across America—are renewing hope for the future of religious liberty in our country.

The cases we won and the multiple, major initiatives launched this year have put us in a unique position to impact the future in ways we only imagined. Your steadfast prayers and financial investment are paying off abundantly! Together, we’ve opened the floodgates so that Americans can freely live out their faith and enjoy more religious liberty than they’ve had in more than 50 years.

This Christmas season is also a perfect time to reflect on the eternal hope provided by our faith. Time after time, God has shown that He’s the One ultimately in control. So, as this bountiful year comes to an end, I fully trust and remain hopeful that God will continue to work through First Liberty in mighty ways.

When we look back and celebrate this outpouring of blessings, however, we must also recognize that there are many challenges still ahead and many battles yet to be won.

Heading into 2023, we must stay the course. There’s simply too much at stake. Even with the progress we’ve made, the enemies of freedom are relentless, ready to undermine and strip away our constitutional foundations at every opportunity. You can be sure that these attacks will not stop anytime soon and this battle will only intensify.

This year’s momentum shouldn’t be a reason to sit back. On the contrary, it’s a call to remain committed and faithful to the cause. We can’t ignore or stand idle as attacks increase on our rights. Yet, we should be encouraged that with these challenges there are more doors opening in the New Year so we can leave a lasting legacy of freedom for the next generation, our children and grandchildren.

As you know, this year First Liberty set in motion a huge, national movement called Restoring Faith in America. After enduring decades of hostility and attacks on our freedoms, religious people grew accustomed to playing defense. Now, the tide has finally turned in favor of religious expression—and for the first time in a very long time, we have a strong legal foundation to go on offense.

God is creating special opportunities to restore faith in America, and I encourage you to please join First Liberty in this movement. You can play a unique role in putting religious expression back where it rightfully and legally belongs.

Again, thank you for being a faithful supporter of First Liberty. When we work as one team, in one fight, with one purpose, through God’s grace, we can accomplish great things.

I wish you, your family and loved ones a Christmas season filled with blessings and joy.

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