
Townhall: Mike Johnson Is a Lifetime Freedom Fighter

November 15, 2024
Mike Johnson | First Liberty Institute

by Hiram Sasser • 1 minute

Editor’s Note: In addition to serving in Congress, Speaker Mike Johnson devoted more than 20 years of his career to successfully litigating high profile constitutional law cases. His experience includes working as a First Liberty attorney, and is widely recognized as a leading defender of religious liberty, free speech and the First Amendment.

I met Mike Johnson over 20 years ago while pursuing our mutual passions at the time – advancing religious liberty and conservative values.

One of our first cases together as religious liberty attorneys was defending a school district in Louisiana that had the temerity to open its school board meetings with prayer, only to find itself the target of an ACLU lawsuit seeking to silence those prayers. Together, we also fought for children to be able to include Bible verses in cards they made themselves in class when the school district tried to stop them. Picture in your mind the school blacking out a Bible verse on a child’s created card for his or her mom. In both cases, we won.

Mike and I worked hand in hand crafting our strategy to protect expressions of faith in schools and the public square. We called it the American Heritage Project. These were the seeds that led to two Supreme Court victories—Coach Kennedy’s right to pray on the football field and the protection of the American Legion’s World War I Bladensburg Veterans Memorial in the shape of a Cross.

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