Atlantic City Refuses to Accommodate First Responder’s Religious Beliefs
Alex Smith is a first responder and his religious beliefs require him to wear a beard. But the city won’t grant a religious accommodation.
More States Pass Laws to Improve Religious Freedom Protections
Because of multiple, favorable Supreme Court decisions, state legislatures continue to take positive steps to protect religious liberty.
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty
Around the Institute: A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things going on at the organization.
Easter & Passover Remind Us Why Religious Freedom is Worth Fighting For
In the next few weeks, Christian and Jewish Americans will celebrate two of their most important religious holidays.
First Liberty Live: Can Our Culture Be Saved?
Dr. Stephen Presley, Senior Fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy, joins us to talk about his book, Cultural Sanctification.
First Liberty Files Brief Opposing Satanic Temple’s Demand to Give ‘Prayer’ at Boston City Council
The Satanic Temple challenged Boston’s city Council invocation practice because it was not invited to give an opening “prayer.”