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Fli Insider | Boston Flag Case

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Flag Outside Boston City Hall

May 6, 2022

The Supreme Court held the city of Boston violated the freedoms of a Christian group when it refused to fly a flag bearing a cross outside of city hall.

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Fli Insider | Richard Ford Tribute

A Tribute to Richard Ford: First Liberty Co-Founder and Distinguished Conservative Leader

May 6, 2022

On Good Friday, First Liberty lost a dear friend to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude and without him First Liberty would not exist.

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Fli Insider | Bladensburg Standing Strong

Bladensburg Precedent Helps Protect Religious Display in Tennessee

April 29, 2022

The Freedom From Religion Foundation harassed local officials, demanding they remove three crosses displayed on city property in Elizabethton.

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Fli Insider | Thank You Coach Joe

Please Pray for Coach Kennedy and First Liberty

April 22, 2022

On Monday, April 25th, Coach Joe Kennedy will have his day at the Supreme Court and it’s up to us to give him the spiritual support he needs.

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Fli Insider | HHS Religious Exemptions

Forthcoming Federal Regulations Could Harm Religious Social Service Agencies

April 22, 2022

We found at least four areas in the HHS where the Biden administration could be revoking key religious freedom protections.

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Fli Insider | Defy Tyranny

Tyranny Knows No Tolerance: Will Americans Learn This the Easy Way or the Hard Way?

April 22, 2022

Recent events in multiple countries offer a picture of the heinous oppression that occurs when government replaces God.

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