First Freedom Day: A Day to Celebrate and Give Generously
Tuesday, June 25 is First Freedom Day. We’ll be celebrating our historic wins at the U.S. Supreme Court. On this special day, you’ll have an opportunity multiply your impact with a $500,000 Challenge Grant!
Louisiana and Oklahoma Expand Religious Freedom for Parents & Students
Louisiana just became the first state to adopt a law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in all public schools. Oklahoma signed a law giving parents and students more freedom to attend religious instruction during school hours.
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty
Around the Institute: A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things going on at the organization.
Official Teaser Trailer: ‘Average Joe’ Movie About Coach Joe Kennedy
There’s a movie coming out this fall about former First Liberty client Coach Joe Kennedy. In theaters beginning October 10th, we’re excited to give you first access to the official teaser trailer.
5th Grader Holds Three Prayer Club Meetings at School
Our 11-year-old client, Laura, not only won but held her first three prayer club meetings at her elementary school with huge success!
Flag Day: The Star-Spangled Banner and America’s Religious Heritage
June 14 is Flag Day. We commemorate our Star Spangled Banner, a symbol of freedom and our mutually shared beliefs as Americans.