Religious Discrimination is Bad Business—and It’s Illegal
Woke corporate culture continues to wreak havoc. A Christian childcare worker in California was recently fired because of her faith.
Support Pours in for Christian Bakers Who Lost Their Business
First Liberty recently asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a state court decision that effectively forced the Kleins to shut down their family bakery, Sweet Cakes by Melissa.
Are Banks Going Woke and Canceling Religious Customers?
An ever-growing number of religious employees and business owners—many whom First Liberty represents and is fighting for—have lost their livelihoods to cancel culture.
Michigan Health System Fires Christian Healthcare Professional Because of Her Beliefs
After a Michigan healthcare system went woke, our client Valerie Kloosterman paid the price. She was terminated for living out her faith.
Woke Corporate Culture: One of the Biggest Threats to Religious Freedom
Radical ideologies and woke culture are forcing religious Americans to choose between their faith and their livelihood.
Support Pours in for Gerald Groff, Postal Worker Forced to Quit His Job Over Religious Beliefs
A broad coalition of national leaders recently submitted 14 friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court to support our client, Gerald Groff.