The Village of Airmont has a thirty-year history of bigotry and religious discrimination.
Village officials have forced the Jewish community underground and made it next to impossible for them to freely live out their faith. The bigotry runs so deep that local bureaucrats will even go as far as to decide how much square footage they’re allowed to use for worship.
This is one of the worst violations of religious freedom…because if they’re intruding into the homes of the Jewish community, then they could do it to just about any other American, of any faith—including telling you whether you can or can’t worship in YOUR OWN HOME.
If people of faith are bullied into hiding their beliefs, or forced to practice their religion underground…then we’re not living up to the American promise of religious freedom for all.
In order to have religious freedom in any real sense, we must protect religious minorities.
That’s why First Liberty continues to be First in the Fight for the least among us—and it’s why we’re fighting in federal court right now to defend the Jewish community in Airmont.
By reclaiming religious liberty for minority faith groups, we’re defending religious liberty for all…and that has a huge impact on you to live out your faith at home.
Right now, we urgently need your financial support to defend our country’s promise of being a beacon of religious freedom for people of all faiths.
Will you go all-in with First Liberty today and help us defend that legacy?