STOP the Lockdown on Religious Liberty

The outrageous restrictions on houses of worship, religious schools, and the faith community as a whole fits an ominous pattern of religious discrimination that has crept into numerous states around the country—threatening the first amendment rights of millions of religious Americans.

It’s an undeniable and unacceptable fact: Religious persecution is alive and well in America, despite what you hear (or don’t hear) in the media. We have been at the frontlines of this essential fight from the very beginning, reversing these flagrant violations of your rights.

But we can only keep winning and remain First in the Fight with your financial support.

And right now is actually the perfect time to join the fight with us! Your gift now through December 31st will be multiplied by our largest-ever Challenge Grant of $500,000—making good on our promise to deliver more freedom per dollar.

Join us on the frontlines today, and take advantage of this opportunity to make your support more impactful than ever before!

Help Us Reclaim Religious Freedom With Your Generous Gift Now »

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First Liberty conducts research and provides analysis on the effects of policy actions on religious liberty. This publication is intended to be used for informational, educational and reference purposes only.

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