Why We Must Confirm a New Supreme Court Justice Now

If the last several months are any indication, there is every reason to confirm a new Supreme Court Justice swiftly.

While the country has stayed largely locked down, First Liberty has been busier than ever protecting your freedoms in the midst of unprecedented religious hostility. We have won numerous victories protecting the constitutional rights of churches, houses of worship, faith-based schools and businesses, and others in the religious community.

And, yet, the litigation continues—well after the initial “14 days to flatten the curve.” Twice the Supreme Court has been asked to rule on religious liberty restrictions during a pandemic. Twice the Justices have allowed supermarkets and casinos to remain open, but left houses of worship closed.

There is little doubt the Justices will be asked to weigh in again, especially if lockdowns continue through 2021 as some suggest. This means it is paramount that we eliminate any possibility of split decisions in such a pivotal moment for our nation, and make sure that the crucial deciding vote is not left vacant.

And as always, your support is what allows us to stay on the legal battlefront for your religious freedom. Please donate to First Liberty today to ensure we can continue providing the expert analysis and research our nation’s leaders rely on in times like these.

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