Thank you for standing with our military chaplains!

Now, would you consider taking your support one step further by donating to help deliver victory for our brave chaplains?

Right now, religious service members are being sent a clear message that they are no longer welcome—unless they abandon their core convictions and remain silent about their beliefs.

First Liberty is committed to fighting these cases of anti-faith discrimination in the military as they become more and more frequent. Our strategic model has resulted in numerous victories for chaplains over the past several years.

But to continue this winning streak, we need YOU.

This Military Appreciation Month, will you show you appreciation for our military chaplains—who make tremendous sacrifices to keep us safe—by donating to First Liberty today?

The military should never punish a single service member because of his or her religious beliefs. Stand with First Liberty, and together we’ll defend those who protect our nation and our freedoms.

Please give today to continue to protect our vital First Freedom »

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