
Sen. Cory Booker Violating Constitution: Voting Against Pompeo for Religious Beliefs

April 18, 2018 • In the News

WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) announced on Friday that he will vote against CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s nomination to become secretary of state because of Pompeo’s beliefs on marriage and sexuality — beliefs consistent with Pompeo’s Christian faith. Conservative leaders are now denouncing Booker’s vote as a violation […]

Attorney General Meese: Lawyers’ Ethics Rule Is Fascist, Anti-Christian

August 8, 2016 • In the News

On Aug. 8 or 9, ABA’s House of Delegates will vote on whether to adopt the recommendation from one of its committees to adopt ABA Model Rule 8.4. Read full article »

Federal Lawsuit: Doctor Allegedly Fired by State of Georgia over Church Sermons

April 20, 2016 • In the News

Lawyers from First Liberty Institute representing Dr. Eric Walsh filed a federal lawsuit today, after Georgia’s Department of Public Health (DPH) fired Walsh allegedly because government agents did not like the sermons he preached in his church. Read full article »

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