A Georgia pastor fired from his government job over sermons alleged to be discriminatory will instead receive a $225,000 settlement from the state based on his own discrimination lawsuit.
Atlanta, Ga. – Today, First Liberty Institute announces they reached a settlement agreement between the State of Georgia and First Liberty’s client, Dr. Eric Walsh. The State of Georgia agreed to pay $225,000 to settle Dr. Walsh’s religious discrimination lawsuit. “I am grateful this trial has finally ended,” Dr. Eric […]
State officials have confirmed that they have settled for $225,000 a lawsuit filed by a hiring prospect who alleged a job offer was withdrawn after videos of his sermons against homosexuality and evolution surfaced.
As previously reported, last April Eric Walsh, a doctor and public health expert, filed a religious discrimination suit against the Georgia Department of Public Health alleging that his termination shortly after he was hired
A lay minister who is suing the Georgia Department of Public Health for religious discrimination has been ordered by the state’s attorney general to relinquish his sermons to the government, according to federal court documents. Read full article »
ATLANTA, GA – Today, Dr. Eric Walsh announces that he will not hand over his sermons to the State of Georgia. His announcement comes in response to the government serving him with legal papers during the course of litigation, requiring him to surrender copies of his sermon notes and transcripts. […]