
Legal-Ease | The Constitution | First Liberty

Legal-Ease: Why the Constitution Matters Now More Than Ever

September 27, 2019 • Photos & Video

Today, there are a lot of people who like to blame the Constitution for many of our nation’s “problems.” But the truth is, our Constitution is not the problem—it’s the solution. Lathan Watts tells you why in the latest edition of Legal-Ease.

Legal-Ease - The Free Exercise Clause | First Liberty

MUST WATCH: Lathan Watts Clarifies the “Free Exercise” Clause

June 28, 2019 • Photos & Video

Most Americans have been told that religion doesn’t belong in public, or that you can only worship within the walls of your church. In this exclusive video, FLI’s Director of Legal Communications, Lathan Watts, tells you the real way to interpret and apply the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

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