Religious Test

The Washington Examiner

When senators ask a nominee about their religious beliefs, they should give this simple answer

February 20, 2019 • In the News

By: Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO and Chief Counsel for First Liberty Institute Democratic senators have a new habit of asking judicial and executive branch nominees about their religious beliefs during confirmation hearings. Asking such questions violates the spirit, if not the letter, of Article VI of the Constitution. Future nominees should […]

The Daily Wire

DYS: How To Respond To A Religious Test For Office

February 18, 2019 • In the News

By: Jeremy Dys, Deputy General Counsel for First Liberty Institute Every citizen of legal age is qualified to serve in government. The Constitution contemplates that we ought to be self-governed by diverse, citizen lawmakers. When senators wag their fingers at nominees and attempt — with not a little incredulity — to […]

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