US Air Force

At Last — A Military Religious Liberty Win

April 10, 2018 • In the News

A win for religious liberty in the military is not something we hear much of these days, but alas, miracles occasionally do happen. Leland Bohannon is a colonel in the Air Force who was unfairly denied the rank of one-star general last year. A longtime friend of his explains in […]

Air Force Colonel Punished for his Religious Beliefs Fights Back

Colonel Michael Madrid’s law firm demands that the Air Force rescind Col. Madrid’s punishment and attempt to destroy his career
March 29, 2017 • Press Releases

San Antonio, Texas – Today, First Liberty Institute, a national religious freedom law firm, sent a demand letter to the United States Air Force on behalf of its client, Colonel Michael Madrid, USAF. First Liberty attorneys say the Air Force discriminated against Col. Madrid because of his religious beliefs about […]

Oscar Rodriguez represented by First Liberty Institute

Pentagon Launches Investigation into Veteran’s Removal from Military Base Over Speech Referencing God

Secretary of the Air Force calls for an investigation by the Air Force Inspector General
June 23, 2016 • Press Releases

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Two days after First Liberty sent a demand letter to the Air Force on behalf of their client Oscar Rodriguez, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James ordered the Air Force Inspector General to review the Air Force’s actions against Mr. Rodriguez. During a retirement ceremony […]

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