Thank You for joining Team Kennedy!

Your copy of Coach’s playbook for victory is on its way to your inbox now.

But there’s one more crucial step you can take to join Coach Joe at the frontlines of the fight for faith on the football field.

Would you donate to First Liberty Institute as we execute Coach’s game plan for victory in the courtroom?

As you know, it takes an entire team working together to overcome the opposition and deliver a big win. And in this case, the stakes are especially high—your very freedom to openly practice your faith hangs in the balance.

If Coach can’t kneel in a brief, silent prayer of thanks on the field after a football game, no public expression of religion is safe. That’s why winning this case is so important—and why your donation is so urgently needed and appreciated!

We have the path to victory that the Supreme Court outlined earlier this year. We have the game plan. Our elite lineup of attorneys stands ready to execute the playbook. Now, we just need your added support to put us over the top and carry Team Kennedy to victory!

Yes! I’ll help deliver victory for Coach Kennedy today

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