Thank you for signing and sending a note of encouragement to Melissa Klein.
Being on the frontlines of this legal battle – which has lasted for more than 3 years – has taken a heavy toll not just on Melissa, but also on her husband Aaron and their five children.
That’s why your encouragement, your prayers and your supportive words are so important at this very moment – especially because their case is pending with the U.S. Supreme Court and it’s possible that we could hear a decision very soon.
On behalf of First Liberty, we want to say thank you for your loyalty and your commitment to our organization as well as for standing strong with Melissa Klein and all our clients through their toughest times.
As always, we want to remind you that we’re fighting to protect religious liberty for you, your family and for your right to live out you faith in your own business.
You can learn more about Melissa Klein’s case here.