First in the Fight™ Together

Our expert legal team at First Liberty Institute is comprised of some of the most sharp and bold constitutional attorneys in the nation. As the foremost experts on religious freedom, they are the First in the Fight to defend your right to live out your faith.

Each of our attorneys are fully committed to fighting for our clients’ first freedom. Our attorneys don’t just want to defend our First Amendment rights…they want to expand the free exercise of them for generations to come.

While our attorneys are bravely positioned on the frontlines in the fight for faith, they can’t win against today’s hostile attacks without your support. Your support provides the resources we need to stand with our clients— without ever sending them a bill.

Now more than ever, it is time to fight and win together. Will you join us on the frontlines?

The Last Line of Defense

Kelley McLean – A True Leap of Faith

Have you ever thought you had God’s plan for your life figured out only to have Him take you in a different direction?

The truth is that sometimes God uses the journey to prepare us for what’s coming next.

Kelley McLean traveled halfway around the world in preparation for a life in international diplomacy.

She even worked for Senator James Lankford and Congressman Joe Pitts to further hone her skills.

But things changed for Kelley when God revealed how He was using her international experiences to prepare her to fight for faith here in the United States.

Jeremy Dys- From the Dinner Table to the Counsel Table

Many of us are familiar with Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

I can’t think of anyone who epitomizes that scripture more than Jeremy Dys. His mom and dad instilled in him early on the important role that faith played in the founding of our nation and how it is the rock upon which our Constitution sits. They also taught him to look at the actions and words of those in power through a lens of scripture.

When I see Jeremy in the office, I know it was his parents that put him on the path to serve as an attorney at First Liberty. And I know that it’s their example that guides him in the fight for faith.

Tabitha Harrington – From Atheist to First Liberty Attorney

Tabitha Harrington is a talented attorney based in our Washington D.C. office who brings valuable corporate law experience to First Liberty. But that’s not why Tabitha came to work here.

As Tabitha began her legal career, you might say she was more likely to be an opposing counsel than an attorney fighting for religious freedom. She was a staunch atheist and believed that to be a closed question.

But God had other plans.

Watch Tabitha share her incredible testimony of how God led her to join the most important fight of our lifetime.

Becky Dummermuth – From the White House to Religious Liberty

The fight for freedom has touched the lives of every person of faith. So, when expert attorneys who are passionate about defending freedom like Becky Dummermuth join our team, it bolsters our efforts in winning this war.

Hear from Becky as she shares her journey to protecting your First Amendment rights. From having her passion for religious liberty instilled at a young age to serving on former President George Bush’s White House staff, she’s a dedicated attorney in this fight.

Mike Berry – The Expert Warrior

Mike Berry heads our Military Affairs division at First Liberty and is a member of the Marine Corps Reserve. He has committed his life to defending all people of faith in America.

Though he had an unusual beginning to defending religious liberty, Mike has diligently put his hand to the work that God has set before him. And over the past decade, he’s been key to the tremendous transformation and flourishing of religious freedom in America.

His work as a religious liberty attorney has been inspired and fueled by a higher calling to take heroic stands for faith. Now, almost a decade after joining the fight, he is more passionate about our nation’s heritage of faith than the day he started.

Hiram Sasser – The 20 Year Freedom Fighter

Hiram Sasser, Executive General Counsel, has been fighting at First Liberty for our clients and our religious freedom for over 20 years. He has watched God transform First Liberty as it grew from three people with only dreams of preserving our nation’s heritage of faith, to the largest legal firm dedicated solely to protecting our First Freedom.

When Hiram suffered a career-ending injury in the army, God called him to First Liberty to fight for people and organizations who take heroic stands — people like Joe Kennedy, Aaron and Melissa Klein and The American Legion.

And now after more than 20 years in the fight for faith, Hiram is more passionate and dedicated to protecting our religious freedom than he was the day he started.


Holly Randall – The Young Gun

For Holly Randall, Associate Counsel, fighting for religious freedom wasn’t part of her career path. Her law school didn’t even offer courses in religious rights.

But when she heard Hiram Sasser speak about Coach Kennedy being fired for praying after football games, Holly felt the injustice of the coach’s situation. She wanted to get involved.

As Holly learned more about the daily threats that people of faith were experiencing, she felt God’s call. And she answered, first by interning at First Liberty and then by accepting a position after law school.

Holly now gets to stand in the trenches every day, defending our brave clients who take a stand for their faith – no matter their age, background or life experience. And the impact of her work will be felt for the next generation of rising leaders to come.

Danielle Runyan – The Force Multiplier

Danielle Runyan serves as Senior Counsel and a JAG in the United States Air Force reserve. While working as a young attorney in New York City, her life was radically altered by what she experienced on 09/11/2001.

Like so many others, she felt called to serve her country in the wake of this attack. She proudly joined the Air Force to help defend her country.

But when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Danielle was faced with another life-changing choice: get the vaccine or be discharged from the Air Force. Because of her sincerely held religious beliefs, she chose to join First Liberty and fight for her rights and the rights of all airmen to live and serve according to their beliefs.

Today, Danielle uses her skills as a litigator to fight for people of faith in both our military and in everyday life. She gets to serve her fellow Americans with this new calling, defending them at the highest level in the courtroom.

Join the Fight

Our expert legal team at First Liberty Institute is comprised of some of the brightest and best constitutional attorneys in the nation.

Hiram, Holly and Danielle–along with the rest of our staff–readily stand at the frontlines defending your rights in the fight for faith. But they can’t win against today’s hostile attacks without your support. Your prayers and financial gifts provides the resources to stand with our clients without ever sending them a bill.

Now more than ever, we can make a difference for generations to come.

Will you give generously today, so we can be first in the fight together?

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