Sign the Pledge to Support Students of Faith in Our Public Schools

It’s public schools week! And if you’re a person of faith in public school, it’s important that you know—you have the freedom to express your religious beliefs and live your faith out loud when you enter the schoolhouse gates.

Celebrate your constitutional right to religious liberty by signing the pledge below. Whether you’re a public school student, parent, teacher, employee, or a coach—go out and live your faith with boldness and confidence this public schools week!

Take a stand and declare your support for students of faith today:

“I pledge to support the right of students and people of faith in America to freely live out their faith in public school. I firmly believe religious liberty is a fundamental right, and students and teachers don’t shed their constitutional rights when they enter the schoolhouse gates. I sign this statement as a pledge to support First Liberty in its effort to restore and reclaim religious liberty in our schools.”

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