
Mobilizing Young Leaders to Impact the Culture

June 7, 2024
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by Logan Tantibanchachai • 1 min read

First Liberty is excited to announce that we’re launching a new initiative called Future of Faith and Freedom (F3).

F3’s goal is to empower a new generation of leaders. It’s a growing movement of people in their 20s, 30s and 40s who aspire to be leaders in our nation’s coming culture shift. F3 is dedicated to moving the needle in your community and across America.

In this episode of First Liberty Live, we discuss the launch of F3 with Shaun Frederickson, the founder of Freedom Revival, and Nathan Shackelford, who’s spearheading F3. If you’re interested in making a difference for religious freedom in your community, then this episode is for you:

Learn About the Movement

Curious as to what F3 is doing to bring about a culture shift in our country? Learn more about the movement to reclaim the future of faith in America and how you can become an integral part in securing the blessings of liberty throughout your community.

Learn More >>

Join the Movement

Want to get more involved in the F3 movement? Sign up today and become part of the Future of Faith and Freedom. Get quarterly newsletters, invites to events, and receive the latest updates on what you can be doing to secure our future of faith in America.

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Lead the Movement

If you’re ready to be a faith leader in our nation’s coming culture shift, then it’s time to go all in by becoming an F3 Ambassador. As an ambassador, you’ll be invited to exclusive F3 leadership events, help set the course for the F3 program in your community and spread the word about F3 to friends and family.

Become an Ambassador >>

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