In the News

The Washington Examiner

Supreme Court reverses ruling on Kansas woman who says police stopped her from praying

June 29, 2018 • In the News

A Kansas woman who says her First Amendment rights were violated when police officers stopped her from praying in her home will get another chance in court, the Supreme Court said Thursday. In an unsigned opinion, the court reversed a ruling from the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which […]

CBN News

Oregon Supreme Court Won’t Give Christian Bakers Their Day in Court in Gay Wedding Case

June 29, 2018 • In the News

The Oregon Supreme Court has refused to hear the case of a Christian husband and wife who were penalized for declining to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of Sweetcakes by Melissa, had asked the state’s high court to overturn a lower court’s […]

Todd Starnes

Evangelicals Rally Behind Trump Over Supreme Court

June 28, 2018 • In the News

Nationally-syndicated radio host Todd Starnes spoke with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, and Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of First Liberty Institute, about the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and the implications it will have going into midterm elections. “It has political implications, it has […]

Plano Non-Profit Hopeful Following Justice Kennedy Resignation

June 28, 2018 • In the News

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced Wednesday he will retire July 31, giving President Donald Trump the chance to put a conservative stamp on the high court for generations. It’s bringing hope to First Liberty Institute, a Plano non-profit that takes on religious freedom cases. Its work hinges on how […]

Todd Starnes

School District Tells Coach, ‘If You Talk to God, You’re Fired’

June 27, 2018 • In the News

First Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry said Bremerton High School in Washington State picked on the wrong Marine. First Liberty is representing Joe Kennedy, a Marine and former assistant football coach at the local high school. Kennedy was fired in 2015 after he took a knee to pray after a […]

Group Asks US Supreme Court to Stop Removal of Peace Cross

June 27, 2018 • In the News

A group has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court decision that declared unconstitutional a Maryland veteran’s monument fashioned as a 40-foot-tall cross. The American Legion asked the court Monday to prevent the removal or destruction of the monument, The Washington Post reports. The 4th U.S. Circuit […]

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