In the News


The Radical Left’s Court-Packing Scheme Falls Flat

June 29, 2021 • In the News

Imagine you are a major dark money donor to the radical Left’s campaign to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. Is it time to ask for your money back?
The campaign to add new seats to the Supreme Court is making little headway. It faces bad poll numbers, a White House that has punted to a 36-member study commission, pushback in Congress and current justices whose own statements belie the radical Left’s cartoonish characterization of the Court as a hyper-partisan, bigoted wrecking crew hammering away at the foundations of American democracy.


Supreme Court Protects Faith-Based Adoption, For Now

June 21, 2021 • In the News

Cities that want to forbid religious organizations from participating in public programs have a new obstacle to overcome. The Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court—all nine of them—agreed in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia that the City of Brotherly Love acted unconstitutionally when it barred Catholic Social Services from helping place foster children in loving homes.

Washington Examiner

Wokeness Warriors Take Over the Pentagon

June 16, 2021 • In the News

246 years after the U.S. Army was established, today’s Department of Defense appears to be distracted from its national defense mission. Media commentators and service members alike have lamented the military’s drift toward becoming a testing ground for social policy experimentation.

Million Voices Logo

Court Packing: Zombie Apocalypse of Constitutional Government

June 4, 2021 • In the News

When President Joe Biden announced the formation of a commission to study the possibility of adding seats to the U.S. Supreme Court, he raised more than a few eyebrows from policymakers and commentators spanning the breadth of the political spectrum. Like a bad zombie movie, an idea that should have died once and for all back in 1937, has been revived to stalk our most cherished liberties and the foundational principles of our Republic.

Biden’s secret court-packing commission – here’s what first meeting tells of Dems’ plans

May 24, 2021 • In the News

President Joe Biden, already under intense criticism for lack of transparency on his border and immigration policies, is launching his Supreme Court “reform” commission in a way that is sure to bring more suspicion and mistrust his way. 


The Kabuki Commission on the Supreme Court | Opinion

May 21, 2021 • In the News

Authorized by President Joe Biden just weeks ago, the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States held its first of six public meetings Wednesday. Within 180 days, the commission is set to present its findings and recommendations as to how (not “whether,” apparently) to bring about “court reform”—radically changing one of the three branches of our government.

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