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Dinesh D'Souza | First Liberty Live!

First Liberty Live! With Special Guest, Renowned Filmmaker and Author Dinesh D’Souza

June 19, 2020 • Photos & Video

In this episode of FLI Live!, First Liberty’s Kelly Shackelford and Dinesh discussed the historic abuse of power being imposed by both elected and unelected officials under the guise of the “COVID crisis”—and what steps we must take right now to ensure this assault on the First Amendment rights of free Americans doesn’t become the “new normal.”

All In Challenge | Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis

First Liberty Goes All In With Ken Ham & Answers In Genesis

June 12, 2020 • Photos & Video

AiG CEO Ken Ham talks about First LIberty’s defense of two major theme attractions, The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, owned by Answers in Genesis (AiG), and why your support of First Liberty helped make a truly BIG impact on his businesses.

Religious Liberty Leads the Way | First Liberty

Religious Liberty Leads the Way

June 9, 2020 • Photos & Video

As First Liberty continues to win victories for the reopening of churches and houses of worship across the country, a pattern is emerging that proves a crucial point we have known all along: religious freedom is the first freedom in the Constitution for a reason.

First Liberty Live | Faith Under Fire | D-Day Special

Three Mighty Warriors Join First Liberty Live! For A Discussion About Faith in the Military

June 5, 2020 • Photos & Video

This week’s First Liberty Live! featured a panel of three exclusive guests: Chad Hennings, former US Air Force fighter pilot and Super Bowl champion; Dave Holmes, former US Air Force F-4 fighter pilot and current Executive VP and CFO of First Liberty Institute; and, Stephen Drum, Master Chief US Navy and co-developer of the Navy’s Warrior Toughness program.

FLI Live! | Ted Cruz | First Liberty

First Liberty Live: Unmasking the Constitutional Crisis with Senator Ted Cruz

May 29, 2020 • Photos & Video

In this episode of First Liberty Live!, Kelly Shackelford sits down with Senator Cruz for an exclusive, one-on-one conversation. They discuss the outrageous abuses of power that are being carried out right now by government officials across America under the guise of the “COVID Crisis”—and what we must do to ensure this current “police state” and loss of freedom does NOT become the new normal.

Kelly with Shannon Bream | More Government Over-reach

Continued Over-Reach in California

May 27, 2020 • Photos & Video

Kelly Shackelford joins Shannon Bream to discuss the ongoing government overreach in California as churches throughout the state ban together in opposition of Governor Gavin Newsome’s most recent order restricting in-person services.

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