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First Liberty Responds to Attack | First Liberty

FLI Responds to Unconstitutional Attack

April 11, 2020 • Photos & Video

Kelly Shackelford and First Liberty Client Pastor Charleston Hamilton of King James Bible Baptist Church (“KJBBC”) join Tucker Carlson to discuss how the attacks against “drive-in” worship services in Greenville, Mississippi are unconstitutional.

First Liberty's Impact | First Liberty

How First Liberty is Making an Impact During This Special Time

April 8, 2020 • Photos & Video

Last week, the government passed the $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill (The C.A.R.E.S. Act), which includes some important new adjustments that could directly benefit you, your church or synagogue, plus other religious organizations across the country. Watch as Kelly Shackelford provides a quick analysis of the C.A.R.E.S Act and its impact.

For more information, tune-in to this week’s tele forum, as we’ll be having a Q&A session with a leading national expert, plus address other critical updates on key religious liberty issues happening in our towns and cities right now.

Kelly Shackelford's April 1st Update | First Liberty

Understanding the C.A.R.E.S. Act

April 1, 2020 • Photos & Video

Last week, the government passed the $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill (The C.A.R.E.S. Act), which includes some important new adjustments that could directly benefit you, your church or synagogue, plus other religious organizations across the country. Watch as Kelly Shackelford provides a quick analysis of the C.A.R.E.S Act and its impact.

For more information, tune-in to this week’s tele forum, as we’ll be having a Q&A session with a leading national expert, plus address other critical updates on key religious liberty issues happening in our towns and cities right now.

Religious Freedom and the Coronavirus | First Liberty

Churches Helping Communities

March 27, 2020 • Photos & Video

While millions of Americans are adjusting to the new normal brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic, the one thing that all Americans need to know is that Coronavirus doesn’t have to prevent them from living out their faith. Join First Liberty’s Justin Butterfield and Jeremy Dys as they discuss the innovative ways that houses of worship and people of faith throughout our nation are impacting their communities.

A Privilege to Serve You | First Liberty

A Privilege to Serve You

March 26, 2020 • Photos & Video

First Liberty has a wide variety of resources available during this special time, as many pastors, churches, leaders and people of faith are under a lot of pressure. Whether you need personal prayer, or if your church, house of worship or even your business needs our legal assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Religious Freedom and the Coronavirus | First Liberty

Religious Freedom and the Coronavirus

March 23, 2020 • Photos & Video

Millions of Americans are adjusting to the new normal brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. Government officials, trying to stem the spread and effects of the pandemic, have imposed restrictions on large gatherings—including churches and other religious institutions.

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