You’re The One Helping Deliver Victories for
America’s Churches and Schools

Free to Worship

Even as states lift COVID-19 restrictions on secular businesses, many houses of worship and faith-based organizations are still targeted unfairly. For example…

• Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear unlawfully forced all private, faith-based schools to close.

• Boston city officials raided Hispanic church Vida Real in the middle of their Sunday service over concerns about “capacity.”

• Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker placed harsh reopening restrictions on houses of worship, while treating places like shopping malls and theaters much more leniently.

In each of these instances, First Liberty answered the call—and WON. Faith-based schools in Kentucky can now teach in person. The City of Boston backed off Vida Real. Massachusetts lifted the discriminatory reopening rules targeting churches.

These are significant victories—and YOU’RE THE ONE making them happen.

The fact is, freedom is at a critical turning point in America. And YOU are the critical Force Multiplier that will help fuel even more victories to help protect and preserve religious liberty for your children and grandchildren.

The time to stand is now…like never before.

Give to Help First Liberty Protect Houses of Worship »

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First Liberty conducts research and provides analysis on the effects of policy actions on religious liberty. This publication is intended to be used for informational, educational and reference purposes only.

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