
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty

May 10, 2024
Around the Institute | First Liberty Insider

A weekly roundup of exciting things happening at First Liberty.

First Look: What’s Coming Up at First Liberty This May

Watch this quick update from President and CEO Kelly Shackelford on what’s happening at First Liberty this month.

He discusses our ongoing fight on behalf of pastors who are being harassed, plus a couple of other cases in which we’re expecting to announce some big news very soon. He also talks about our newly launched Election 2024 Center filled with information, free resources and advice for when you vote in November.

Book Launch Event: CRCD Senior Fellow Stephen Presley Invited as Featured Guest

Dr. Stephen Presley, Senior Fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy, was the featured guest at a special event hosted by Christ Church Plano this week.

Titled Engaging Culture, this special panel discussion focused on Dr. Presley’s new book, Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church.

Dr. Presley was joined by Dr. Alex Fogleman and Canon Dr. Jonathan Bailes.

You can purchase Dr. Presley’s book on

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