Supreme Court Decision Limiting Bureaucratic Power is Good for Religious Liberty
The Supreme Court held that federal courts have the authority to interpret the meaning of ambiguous federal laws. This ruling will help religious Americans who’ve been kept from living out their faith.

Judicial Nominee Grilled for Radical Views on Gender & First Amendment
Judicial nominee for a federal district court in California argued that laws that lay out a clear difference between two genders supposedly violate “separation of Church and State.”

Half the World Lives Under Persecution. Americans Shouldn’t Take Religious Freedom for Granted.
Reports show that religious restrictions and persecution are at an all-time high around the world. Here in America, attacks on people of faith and houses of worship continue to rise.

Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty
A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things happening at First Liberty.

Biden Plans to Support Sweeping Changes to the Supreme Court
Due to recent decisions that haven’t gone his way, Biden is now joining the radical Left to attack the Supreme Court. His new plan will be the latest desperate attack on the Court.

Big Win in Our Parental Rights Case in Alaska
First Liberty recently secured an important victory for families in Alaska. The State Supreme Court ruled in favor of an allotment program that serves over 22,000 homeschooled children.