COMMENTARY: The Supreme Importance of Your Vote
This year’s election is critical to our nation. Faith, religious liberty and the future of the Supreme Court are on the ballot this November.
Biden Catches Up to Trump on Judicial Confirmation, Supreme Court Approval Rising
Here’s a quick roundup on judicial nominations and what’s happening across the federal courts.
Senate Tees Up Nominees, Looks to Close Gap on Judicial Confirmations
President Biden is close to 193 judicial confirmations, the same number Trump had at this point in his presidency. But will Biden surpass Trump’s total?
Full Court Press: Update on the Supreme Court Coup & Judicial Nominations
Federal judges make critical legal decisions about religious freedom. First Liberty continues to monitor nominees for the federal bench.
Supreme Court Decision on FBI “No Fly List” is Positive for Religious Liberty Cases
The Supreme Court issued a decision this week that has broader impact for religious freedom cases.
Is Judicial Conference Call to End Judge Shopping Anti-Biden?
The Judicial Conference of the United States announced a new policy to randomly assign certain cases, try to prevent “judge shopping.”