First Liberty in the News

Gig Harbor Nativity Issue Attracts Religious Liberty Group
January 18, 2017 • In the News

The First Liberty Institute has sent a letter to city officials offering legal advice about religious displays in city parks.

Standing for the Right to Kneel

Decision Magazine
January 17, 2017 • In the News

What Joe Kennedy thought would be a routine jog in 2007 became the first leg on a journey leading him into coaching and eventually to becoming a central figure in the fight to preserve America’s religious liberties.

7 Things Trump Should Include on His Religious Freedom To-Do List

The Stream
January 16, 2017 • In the News

On National Religious Freedom Day, the Family Research Council and First Liberty Institute offer some suggestions for the incoming administration.

National Religious Freedom Day: 5 Religious Freedom Cases to Watch in 2017

The Stream
January 16, 2017 • In the News

The president of a leading religious liberty law firm shared which cases to keep an eye on and how people can pray for them.

Looking Back: A Snapshot of Religious Liberty in 2016

The Stream
December 30, 2016 • In the News

It’s been a difficult year for religious freedom in America, but the future holds “huge windows of opportunity,” says Kelly Shackelford, constitutional attorney and president of the non-profit religious liberty law firm First Liberty Institute.

The Religious-Liberty Showdowns Coming in 2017

The Atlantic
December 28, 2016 • In the News

From mosque surveillance to new religious-exemption laws, a look at some of the issues likely to come up under Trump.

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