Supreme Court

Statement on the nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court

Kelly Shackelford says, “The best path forward for religious liberty is to not hold any hearings or votes on any Supreme Court nominee at this time."
March 16, 2016 • Press Releases

First Liberty’s Statement on the nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court.

AG Ken Paxton Joins Amicus Brief in Military Religious Liberty Case

Dallas Morning News
December 28, 2015 • In the News

Attorney General Ken Paxton joined with nine other states in filing an amicus brief Monday, supporting a Marine lance corporal who was court-martialed for posting a Bible verse in her workspace.

Military High Court to Hear Marine Vet’s Religious Freedom Case

Marine Corps Times
November 9, 2015 • In the News

A Marine veteran court-martialed for failing to remove a Bible verse at work when ordered her to do so by a superior is on track to plead her case at the military’s highest court. Read full article »

Marine Court-Martialed for Bible Verse Appeals Ruling

October 29, 2015 • In the News

“A Marine who was court-martialed for taping a Bible verse to her computer is taking her appeal to the nation’s highest military court Thursday.” Read full article »

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