Current Cases

First Liberty Institute is dedicated to protecting your religious liberty in every part of your life. Select a category below to see how we’re fighting for your freedom right now.


Bangor Christian Schools

February 27, 2024

Government discrimination against parents because of their religious choices for their children is not only unconstitutional, it’s wrong.

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Hawaii Rabbi Harassed for Hosting Religious Gatherings | First Liberty Insider

Rabbi Levi Gerlitzky

February 22, 2024

The law and Constitution grant all people of faith the right to host gatherings in their home to freely exercise their religious beliefs.

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Town Officials Ban Barn Church Services | First Liberty Insider

Grace New England

February 22, 2024

New Hampshire town is threatening pastor with legal action for exercising his legally protected freedom to host religious gatherings in his home.

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Dr.varkey Headshot 2

Dr. Johnson Varkey

February 20, 2024

A biology professor fired for teaching biology.

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Minnesota Moms

February 14, 2024

Parents have the right to know what their children are learning in school, especially when that material goes against their sincerely held religious beliefs.

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Matthew McCarthy

February 8, 2024

Americans do not lose their religious freedom of expression when they join the military, and they should not be punished for religious expression on their private property or in their off-duty capacity.

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