As the third generation in her family to work in her local health care system, Kloosterman served her community for 17 years at Michigan Health. She regularly received exemplary reviews, and supervisors called her “professional,” “very ethical,” and a “pleasure to work with.” She treated all her patients respectfully, regardless of their background, sexual orientation, or declared gender.
But then the University of Michigan Health System took over her clinic.
In summer 2021, after mandatory “diversity and inclusion” training, she asked for a religious accommodation because she could not affirm statements about gender that violated her Christian beliefs, nor could she participate by referring patients for sex-obscuring surgeries or using pronouns that conflicted with human biology.
During follow-up meetings, a Michigan Health diversity representative called Kloosterman “evil,” blamed her for gender dysphoria-related suicides, and told her she could not take the Bible or her religious beliefs to work with her. Less than a month later, she was fired.
After she filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Valerie’s attorneys at First Liberty sent a letter to Michigan Health asking for her reinstatement, but Michigan Health refused.
So, in October 2022, First Liberty filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Valerie. Then, in September 2023, Federal Judge Jane Beckering allowed Valerie’s Free Exercise, Equal Protection, and Title VII religious discrimination claims to proceed.
Close to two years later, in February 2025, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral argument in the case.
“It is intolerant and unconstitutional for employers to demand that medical professionals like Valerie abandon their religious beliefs in order to remain employed,” remarked Roger Byron, Senior Counsel for First Liberty. “The University of Michigan Health-West system is sending a message that religious health care workers are not welcome and need not apply. We hope Michigan Health is held accountable for its discrimination.”
Press Statement
For Immediate Release: 2.6.25
Contact: John Manning,
Direct: 972-941-4453
Religious Liberty Group Praises President Trump’s Creation of Task Force and Presidential Commission on Religious Liberty
Washington, DC—This morning, President Donald Trump announced several executive actions to protect religious liberty, including the creation of a presidential commission and task force on religious liberty, and the establishment of the White House Faith Office. The following statement may be attributed to Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO, and Chief Counsel to First Liberty Institute:
We are thrilled that President Trump recognizes that religious liberty is foundational to all of our Constitutional freedoms and plans to do all he can do to protect our first freedom. All Americans should be free to exercise their faith without government intrusion in school, in the military, in the workplace, and in the public square. We are ready to stand with President Trump to ensure that the religious liberty of every American is safe and secure.
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About First Liberty Institute
First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious freedom for all Americans.
To arrange an interview, contact John Manning at or by calling 972-941-4453.