In the News

The Daily Caller

The Dead Cannot Speak for Themselves. So We Must Remember

October 9, 2018 • In the News

By Mike Berry, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Military Affairs at First Liberty It is said that the passage of time can heal all wounds — but when wounds heal, we still want to remember the important battles in which they were inflicted. So we build memorials and create […]

The Federalist Society

When the Government Sues your Client…and then Sues You!

October 4, 2018 • In the News

When Americans find themselves in need of an attorney—whether purchasing a new home, fighting a traffic ticket, or starting a new small business—they want one who will zealously fight for them. Navigating the foreign world of judges, juries, and administrative agencies can be daunting.

The right to legal counsel is a hallmark of our republic. And, within the legal profession, the duty to be an advocate for one’s client is sacrosanct. In fact, legal ethics require attorneys to be zealous advocates. And, they should not fear reprisal for statements made in connection with ongoing legal proceedings.

Abilene Reporter News

Well done, Taylor County, Texas

September 25, 2018 • In the News

By Roger Byron, Senior Counsel at First Liberty As a religious freedom attorney, I interact with many public officials and local governments. Some are clients, others are opponents. In either case, many prove to be conflict adverse and fearful, particularly in matters involving religion and government. This fear makes them […]

The Washington Post

A World War I Cross Under Siege

September 21, 2018 • In the News

WASHINGTON POST  |  The stories of the old warriors behind the Supreme Court challenge over Maryland’s Peace Cross. A flag covered a bronze tablet, and a Gold Star mother who had lost a son to the Great War stood ready. Silhouetted against the sky of a 1925 July day at […]


Veterans Understand Why Religious Freedom Is the First Liberty

September 20, 2018 • In the News

By Chad Hennings, three-time Super Bowl champion with the Dallas Cowboys and a U.S. Air Force combat veteran pilot, as well as an author and successful entrepreneur In America, religious liberty is called our first freedom because it is foundational to freedom itself. First Liberty Institute, a nationwide law firm […]

The Morning Call

Why Lehigh County should not have to remove the cross from its seal

September 18, 2018 • In the News

By Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel at First Liberty On Sept. 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit heard oral arguments over whether the Lehigh County seal is constitutional. Attorneys representing the county argued that the seal is constitutional and need not be censored simply because it contains […]

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