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Virginia apartment complex threatens to evict pastor for holding Bible study

September 5, 2018

A battle is brewing at a Virginia apartment complex over a semi-retired pastor’s Bible study group.

The Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg reported Friday that the complex’s owner has threatened to evict Kenneth Hauge if he continues hosting the Bible studies.

Residents received a letter notifying residents that the complex was banning religious activities in the community center.

Resident and Bible study attendee Billy Banks said he felt the Bible study was respectful of the space in the club house, and others.

”I think it was a thing that was going on and people were benefiting from it, and as far as I know, they never spoke against any other denominations,” he said.

The complex, Evergreens at Smith Run, says Hauge pressured tenants to join his Bible studies and made them feel so uncomfortable that they left the clubroom. The complex said Hauge also violated its policies by inviting nonresidents to the clubroom.

“The Bible study was always by invitation. You can come if you want to, or you don’t come,” said Banks.

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