Video: The Busiest Week in First Liberty History
On this Live episode, Jeff Mateer gives us an update on several decisions we received recently in some of our most important cases.
These States Are Trying to Censor Employers’ Religious Speech
Close to a dozen states are considering bills that prohibit employers from discussing “religious or political matters” at meetings.
Which Fortune 500 Companies Are the Most Faith Friendly?
Are things getting better for religious workers? A new index says America’s biggest companies are being more inclusive of religion.
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty
Around the Institute: A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things going on at the organization.
Victory: Catholic Group Will Be Allowed to Hold Memorial Day Mass at Cemetery
Great news! The Knights of Columbus will be able to hold their Memorial Day Mass at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia.
800+ Attend Pro-Israel Summit in Nashville with Help of Dave Ramsey
HaYovel, a ministry that helps Israeli farmers, held their first Israel Summit this week. They brought together hundreds in support of Israel and the Jewish people.