Insight for Living Ministries
Under the HHS Mandate, Insight for Living Ministries could be forced to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs or pay penalties of $100 per day per employee.

1st Choice Marine Logo
High school censors “Jesus” from club sponsor’s logo

In God We Trust
Freedom From Religion Foundation threatens to sue Texas police chief over “In God We Trust” decals on department vehicles.

Sports fan Outreach International
Sports Fan Outreach International (SFOI) is a Christian ministry that facilitates short-term mission trips to major sporting events, including the Super Bowl, the World Series, NBA Finals, and College Bowls games .

Mojave Desert Memorial Cross
Victory At U.S. Supreme Court: Land Transfer to Protect Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial Cross Constitutional.

Jose Muniz and Todd Leibovitz
One evangelist arrested, another harassed and threatened with arrest for peacefully sharing faith on public sidewalks.