First Liberty in the News

Coach Joe Kennedy Tells Brody File: Never Thought He’d Be Fired Over Praying

CBN News
September 15, 2016 • In the News

Joe Kennedy, the high school football coach who was fired because he wanted to pray with his players at the 50-yard line, tells our Abigail Robertson that he never thought he’d be fired for praying. Read full article »

Atheist Group Appeals Decision Allowing 40-Foot Cross on Public Property

Christian Post
December 28, 2015 • In the News

“After a thorough analysis of the facts and the law, the Court was clear that the Memorial is completely lawful,” stated Shackelford. “We are confident the Fourth Circuit will agree and uphold the constitutionality of this historic veterans memorial.” Read full article »

Coach Joe Kennedy | First Liberty

Football coach suspended for praying after games files discrimination complaint

Town Hall
December 20, 2015 • In the News

Earlier this year Joe Kennedy, a Washington state high school football coach, received national attention when he was suspended for praying after games at the 50-yard line. Read full article »

Coach Suspended for Post-Game Prayers Files Religious Discrimination Complaint

The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly
December 17, 2015 • In the News

“These school communities that we see are under threat of guns, of mass murderers, and the one thing that won’t be tolerated is prayer, is God.” Megyn Kelly Read full article »

Football Coach Suspended for Praying Files Discrimination Complaint

World Magazine
December 17, 2015 • In the News

A Bremerton, Wash., high school football coach suspended for praying on the field after games has filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Read full article »

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