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The 2018 Religious Liberty Award Honoree Announced

August 30, 2018

Every year, First Liberty Institute bestows the Philip B. Onderdonk Jr. Religious Liberty Award to one exceptional individual for his or her efforts to defend religious liberty.

This year, Kelly Shackelford announced President Donald J. Trump as the 2018 Philip B. Onderdonk Jr. Religious Liberty Award honoree at The American Legion’s 100th National Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Our Shared Commitment to Preserving Religious Liberty

First Liberty and The American Legion share a commitment to freedom. It has been our honor to represent The American Legion in numerous cases where our national motto “In God We Trust” was attacked. We have won each of those cases. It has been our honor to represent the Legion when our pledge of allegiance has been attacked in the courts; and we have won each and every one of those cases. And it has also been our honor to represent the Legion when our nation’s veterans memorials are under attack.

Today, another of our nation’s memorials is under attack. Outside Washington, D.C., sitting on what was once property owned by the Snyder-Farmer Post of the American Legion of Hyattsville, is the Bladensburg World War I Veterans Monument. In 1919, Gold-Star Mothers had the idea to erect a monument to their 49 sons from Prince George’s County, Maryland with the same, cross-shaped marker that held watch over graves in Europe—graves these mothers would never see.

Federal judges have determined the monument must be defaced or destroyed.

We at First Liberty Institute have asked the Supreme Court to end the threat to this monument and, with your continued support, we will see the memory of these 49 sons of Prince George’s County forever preserved.

Stand with First Liberty and tell the Supreme Court
The Bladensburg Memorial is NOT coming down!

Sign the Petition | Save the Bladensburg Monument | First Liberty

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