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6 Month Scorecard: Biden & Schumer’s Record on Federal Judges

July 30, 2021

Despite only having eight federal judges confirmed, Pres. Biden has put the foot on the gas by putting forward over 30 nominees.

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3 Reasons the Supreme Court’s Recent Term Offers Hope for the Future of Religious Freedom

July 30, 2021

With the Supreme Court’s major victories for religious freedom, Americans can be confident that the nation’s highest court prioritizes our First Freedom.

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First Liberty to Appeal Coach Kennedy’s Case to the U.S. Supreme Court

July 23, 2021

First Liberty will appeal Coach Kennedy’s case to the U.S. Supreme Court. And with a statement from the justices in hand, victory for Coach Kennedy is within sight.

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Russia’s Politicized Judiciary Enables the Tyrannical Rule of Man, Not of the Law

July 23, 2021

Russia offers another example warning Americans that a politicized judiciary will take our country down the dangerous “Road to Tyranny.”

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To Exert Complete Control, Communist Dictatorships Always Crush Religious Freedom

July 23, 2021

Protests break out across the Cuba and offer a sobering reminder that tyrannical regimes all begin in a similar way: By crushing religious liberty.

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A Recap of First Liberty’s 3 Critical Victories for Houses of Worship, Nonprofits and People of Faith

July 16, 2021

We can now announce three important legal wins that will help ensure Americans and religious organizations can keep living out their faith.

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