Press Releases

Texas Cheerleaders Taken to Court by School District…Again!

Despite repeated losses in court, the Kountze ISD continues fight against cheerleaders it started in 2012 over Bible verses on run-through banners

January 17, 2018

AUSTIN, TX, January 17, 2018—One year after the Texas Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of First Liberty clients, the Kountze Cheerleaders, the Kountze Independent School District filed another petition to the high court of Texas.

Hiram Sasser, one of the attorneys for the cheerleaders and General Counsel to First Liberty, released the following statement on the latest move in litigation dating back to 2012:

The Court of Appeals correctly ruled that the Kountze cheerleaders have a right to have religious speech on their run-through banners—banners on which the cheerleaders painted messages they chose, with paint they paid for, on paper they purchased. Why is the school district continuing to fight against this decision and the cheerleaders? When will the school district stop filing appeal after appeal and finally accept that the cheerleaders are free to have religious speech on their run through banners? Hopefully, the Texas Supreme Court will not even require the cheerleaders to respond and thus bring an end to the school district’s scorched-earth litigation tactics against the Kountze cheerleaders. Enough is enough.

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First Liberty Institute is a non-profit public interest law firm and the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious freedom for all Americans. 

To arrange an interview, contact Lacey McNiel, Media Coordinator for First Liberty Institute., Direct: 972-941-4444, Cell: 972-989-2403.

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