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New Judicial Vacancy in D.C. Circuit | First Liberty

New Judicial Vacancy in D.C. Circuit Creates a Key Opportunity to Advance Religious Freedom

April 10, 2020

The recent nomination of Cory T. Wilson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit shows the ongoing commitment to advance pro-religious freedom judges. Now, with another key vacancy in the D.C. Circuit, the administration has a great opportunity to nominate a judge who will help get our federal bench “Back to the Constitution.”

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What Do You Think of the Supreme Court | First Liberty

Survey: What do Americans Think of the U.S. Supreme Court?

March 27, 2020

This year, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a number of critical cases that will directly affect your constitutional freedoms. In this edition, we’re breaking down three important findings from a recent survey that asked Americans what they think of the nation’s highest court. Then, you can take First Liberty’s survey to tell us YOUR thoughts.

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Christian Adoption Agency Case | First Liberty

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Christian Adoption Agency Case With 3 Major Implications for Religious Freedom

March 20, 2020

Across the country, religious institutions continue to fight in court and are being put in the untenable position of choosing between their deeply-held beliefs…or being shut down altogether. A recent U.S. Supreme Court case could help deliver a major victory so that faith-based agencies don’t have to violate their beliefs in order to care for the most vulnerable among us.

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The 5th Circuit | First Liberty

President Trump’s Nominees Are Making a “Texas-Sized” Impact for Religious Liberty in the 5th Circuit

February 28, 2020

A total of 20 judges have been confirmed to the federal courts in Texas, with only one vacancy remaining to be filled. Learn about impact these judges will have in reclaiming the rights of people of faith not just in the Lone Star state, but also across the entire 5th Circuit, as well as the positive effect they can have on religious liberty nationwide.

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Dramatic Shifts in the Federal Courts | First Liberty

Right Now, President Trump’s Judicial Appointees Are Causing 3 Dramatic Shifts in the Federal Courts

February 21, 2020

In this special feature, our team of experts take a look forward to what the overall makeup of the judiciary could be if the U.S. Senate moves to fill all remaining federal vacancies. Learn how the record pace of confirmations is leading to 3 major transformations of the federal judiciary that will have an impact for an entire generation.

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Back to the Constitution | First Liberty

Majority of Pro-Religious Freedom Judges Could Bring Lasting Change to 2nd Circuit Court

January 24, 2020

After last year’s record-breaking judicial confirmations, the president could be on his way to appointing a 200th federal judge in 2020. Learn why originalist judges are key to achieving victory in circuit courts where First Liberty is fighting critical religious freedom cases.

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