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2.12.2021 Sec 1 Quiz 300

First Liberty & Institute for Justice File Supreme Court Petition in Maine School Choice Case

February 12, 2021

First Liberty Institute and the Institute for Justice petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision in the Maine School Choice case.

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2.12.2021 Sec 2 Presidential 300

Seven Presidents Who Championed and Protected Religious Freedom

February 12, 2021

For President’s Day, we compiled a list of the top presidents who’ve demonstrated a commitment to be champions of religious liberty.

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2.12.2021 Sec 3 Founding Fathers 300

Opponents’ Blueprint for a “Secular” Constitution Would Be Unrecognizable to America’s Founders

February 12, 2021

The Secular Democrats of America seek to redefine religious freedom in a way that would be unrecognizable to America’s Founders.

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Hear Coach’s Heart: A Personal Side of Coach Joe Kennedy Like You’ve Never Heard Before

February 5, 2021

Hear the heart behind Coach and how the adversities he faced in life helped prepare him to take a stand for his faith and constitutional rights.

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Packing the Courts is a Serious Threat and America Needs Another Hatton W. Sumners to Speak Up

February 5, 2021

America needs someone who will stand strong against “court-packing,” a plan that threatens the constitutional order and our liberties.

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A Look Ahead to the Important Religious Freedom Matchups Coming Up in the Month of February

February 5, 2021

Get an inside look into our top three high profile cases for the month of February and what they could mean for your religious freedom rights.

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