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Religious Freedom Attacks During COVID-19 Epidemic Expose the Greatest Threat to America

May 29, 2020

The danger to our republic is a government that “suspends” our freedoms, leading us down the road of tyranny and the loss of our constitutional system.

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America’s Houses of Worship Seek to Reclaim Their Religious Freedom

May 29, 2020

Learn how churches and religious leaders all across the country are rising up and taking a stand against the abuse of power of some officials.

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Religious Liberty is Helping Reopen America

May 22, 2020

The lesson to learn is that the free exercise of religion is for more than just the faithful. It is the cornerstone upon which a nation of freedom is built.

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Calling Congress to Protect America’s Houses of Worship as They Reopen

May 22, 2020

Right now, we need YOU to join the national effort by signing this petition to Congress calling them to protect houses of worship.

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First Liberty Prevails: Two Pioneering Legal Victories as Churches Resume In-Person Gatherings

May 15, 2020

First Liberty recently scored another two important legal wins to stop the assault on people of faith and ensure that religious liberty is preserved.

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Where Two or Three Are Gathered, There the Governor is Between Them

May 15, 2020

Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois announced that he will enforce restrictions and demand places of worship are closed until a vaccine is developed.

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